If you are looking for a fun, active game to play outdoors during the winter (especially in the snow), try organizing a winter Olympic games. This is a marvelous way to make the most of the natural surroundings and can serve as a prelude to a youth meeting accompanied by hot chocolate or fresh-baked cookies.

As a suggestion, try using a few of these ideas to organize a set of winter Olympic games that would work on your church property or environs. Divide into teams or conduct as an individual games as you see fit.

Luge/ Bob Sled Event—use a simple sled (or inner tube) and a stop watch to see which individual or team can take the hill the fastest.
Snow Ball Throw—create uniform snow balls and see who can throw these the farthest.
Ice Slide—create a slide area and see who can slide the farthest.
Sled Pull—if you have teams, see which team can pull the team members around a track the fastest, with each taking a turn riding on top of the sled while the others mush.
Snow Angels—see which individual or team can make the best snow angel.
Icicle Toss—create uniform icicles and see who can toss these the farthest.
Ice Cube Toss—same as above only use ice cubes. (Hint: you can make uniform ice cubes by freezing water in plastic drinking classes or inside empty yogurt containers.)
Tire Roll—using a large tire inner tube, see which team can roll the tube the fastest from one end of a course to another.

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