There is the story of the bamboo seed which, in its introduction into the soil, takes months actually to germinate and sprout. However, once the bamboo begins to grow, it is one of the fastest-growing plants on earth, and one of the most resilient.

There have been many days in ministry when I have needed patience. I often have prayed that God would work a miracle in someone’s life, or have seen, perhaps, through the years, how God’s grace works in fits and turns, sometimes producing fruit in a life in the course of decades. Not all answers come quickly, and some of the most marvelous growth we experience in ministry comes in God’s time, not our own.

Likewise, we also may consider youth ministry especially as a time for planting seeds—seeds of hope, seeds of faith, seeds of support. Often these small things do not come to fruition until years later. In fact, we may not be the ones who will see the fruit ripen or experience the growth.

As you consider your ministry among young people, don’t despair if you are not seeing signs of growth…yet. There are many surprises in ministry, and some of the most inspiring moments are when amazing growth happens in people.

Be patient, and stay inspired!

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