Are you a New Year’s resolution maker? Some are (about half of us, actually), and some aren’t (the other half of us). Whether you are or aren’t, there is something cool about looking at a fresh, new year and setting resolve in your heart on a particular issue or area of life. In fact, two guys in the Bible made resolutions that you might find inspiring—perhaps revolutionary—as you step into a new year.

The What
Read the background notes below for each passage. Then find the resolution that each guy made and write it down.

Resolution 1
We pick up the action just after Nebuchadnezzar had taken the nation of Judah captive. In true fashion of Babylonian conquest, he imported the best and brightest from Judah into Babylon. As part of their indoctrination into the culture, Nebuchadnezzar provided succulent food from the king’s personal kitchen. Daniel, however, one of the best and brightest who had been imported from Judah, made a specific resolution.

“But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way” (Dan. 1:8).

Resolution 2
The apostle Paul wrote a letter to folks at a church in Corinth, addressing their problem of loyalties between divided leadership. In fixing the problem, he resolved to appeal to the most common denominator.

“And so it was with me, brothers and sisters. When I came to you, I did not come with eloquence or human wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified” (1 Cor. 2:1-2).

The So What
Use the thoughts and questions below to internalize the verses you just read, in other words, to address the question, “So what?”

Resolution 1
What circumstances of your spiritual life are represented in Daniel’s situation? Make a list of outside pressures that are seeking to influence you in your spiritual walk.

Write a resolution similar to Daniel’s that would be appropriate for your current circumstances. As a starter, complete this sentence: I resolve not corrupt my walk with God by… (list three or four things).

Resolution 2
What in your life is similar to the situation the apostle Paul was addressing? Make a list of things that you look to for spiritual guidance. As you make a list, think about whether you are giving priority to the best sources for spiritual guidance.

Write a resolution similar to the apostle Paul’s that reflects a desire to have all of your spiritual development grow directly from Jesus. As a starter, complete this sentence: I resolve to make Jesus the epicenter of my spiritual development by… (list three or four things).

Putting into Practice
When you think about it, these two resolutions give you an offense and a defense in your spiritual walk. It looks like this:

Resolution 1: Defense
Daniel’s resolution helps you keep things out of your life that might erode your walk with God.

Resolution 2: Offense
Paul’s resolution helps you strengthen the good you already have in your life, enabling you to grow from the inside out.

Making and keeping these resolutions will launch a personal revolution in your life, not just for this year, but for life. New Year’s resolutions are notorious for getting broken. Make this the year that you make two resolutions that stick.

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