A new study from Gallup finds the more education people have, the more likely they are to be pro-choice; but that stat doesn’t tell the full story. The new study found that 57 percent of Americans with post-graduate degrees—masters, Ph.D.s, that sort of thing—were pro-choice, compared to 37 percent who were classified as pro-life. That’s a whopping 20-point difference. Those with bachelor degrees are also slightly more likely to be pro-choice. Drilling deeper into the stats tells a different—and for pro-lifers—a more encouraging story. While 47 percent of college graduates are pro-choice, that’s down from the 57 percent in 2008. In fact, support for abortion seems to be eroding somewhat. Faith is a far greater indicator as to whether someone supports or opposes abortion than education. Americans without religious attachment (those who say they’re atheists, agnostics or have no religious preference) are far more likely to be pro-choice by a 68 to 19-percent margin. Only 38 percent of Christians profess to support abortion. (Gallup)