The FBI has an 83-page, 3,000-word dictionary on Internet slang, helping its agents in deciphering the strange world of online communication and (according to the document) “keeping up with your children and/or grandchildren.”

Included in its glossary are acronyms such as BOGSAT, which apparently means “bunch of guys sitting around talking,” and BTDTGTTSAWIO, which the FBI says means “been there, done that, got the T-shirt and wore it out” (and has been tweeted a whopping 47 times in Twitter history). (Slate)

Paul Asay has written for The Washington Post, Christianity Today, and The (Colorado Springs) Gazette. He writes about culture for PluggedIn and wrote the Batman book God on the Streets of Gotham (Tyndale). He recently collaborated with Jim Daly, president of Focus on the Family, on his book The Good Dad. He lives in Colorado Springs with wife, Wendy, and his two children. Follow him on Twitter.