You Teach Vol. 1
Tommy Woodard & Eddie James
Zondervan, 2008, DVD, $39.99,

The acting duo of Woodard and James—known by many as The Skit Guys—paired some of their material on DVD along with complete lessons and engaging discussion questions to create an easy-to-use topical curriculum for youth groups, small groups and Sunday school. Having seen them live several times, I never cease to be amazed at The Skit Guys’ ability to navigate scriptural truth and deliver it so poignantly.

The DVD runs about 28 minutes in length and titles include: 1) Overcoming Laziness, 2) God’s Chisel, 3) Mr. Accountability, 4) Cards You’ve Been Dealt, 5) World Versus Christian: The Bible, 6) Too Deep, Too Soon: I’m in Love with You, and 7) Comfort Zone. The skits draw on real life experiences and range from funny and light-hearted, to deep and emotional. I’ve already used “God’s Chisel” for illustration purposes in a sermon, and it added a nice touch and got students talking and exploring with one another and with leaders.

One drawback is the high retail price; however if you can find it on sale online, it’s definitely worth it.

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