Choosing to Wait: A Guide to Inspiring Abstinence
Laura B. Gallier
Destiny Image, 2009, 257 pp., $16.99

Why Wait? The Naked Truth About Sex and Abstinence
Laura B. Gallier
Inspiring Abstinence, 2008, 185 pp., $12.99

Gallier is passionate about inspiring teenagers to value their virginity. She offers here two companion books along those lines.

Choosing to Wait is a guide for parents to encourage kids to adopt a personal standard that treasures sexual purity.

Why Wait? is a quest to answer the tough questions that teenagers encounter concerning their own sexuality. It covers many of the topics you would expect concerning premarital sex. In addition, it includes a commendable chapter that grapples with some common rebuttals and objections to abstinence with which teens may or may not be familiar.

These companion works don’t contain the scientific proficiency of Hooked, and they don’t pack the punch of Every Man’s Battle. However, they are able to cover a vast amount of valuable material concisely while remaining relevant to their intended audience.

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