Wonder, Fear, and Longing: A Book of Prayer
Mark Yaconelli
Zondervan, 2009, 176 pp., $9.99

In a world full of programs and activities, and in which we are constantly on the move, our students (honestly, even we as youth workers and parents) need resources that teach and encourage us all to slow down simply to be with God.

In his new book, Wonder, Fear, and Longing: A Book of Prayer, Mark Yaconelli provides just that. Yaconelli walks through 10 different aspects of human life and encourages the reader to find time to pray and wrestle with God about each area of life. Each chapter is filled with stories, Scriptures, quotes and activities, making the book very easy to connect with and very practical to put into practice.

Leaders and students will benefit greatly from reading and applying this book to their lives as they learn how to be with God in the fast-paced world.

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