Living Ink Books, 2006, 156 pp., $14.99,

Don’t be deceived by the title. As much as you might expect the subtitle to be “Five Easy Steps to Guarantee Your Kid Won’t Touch Drugs”, it turns out this book is the unfiltered cry of a mother’s soul for her son.

The in-the-moment stream of consciousness seems to accurately reflect the state of mind of any parent going through teen addiction problems. The author includes excerpts
of letters from her son followed by her own honest, self-aware, journal-style entries. The colloquial feel and open humility are very refreshing. The author keeps it real at every

“When I muse that I wish I knew what the future holds, I’m really only thinking about the good and happy things. I don’t want to know about the sorrow and heartache that inevitably still lies ahead.”

Be ready to recommend this book to any parents.


John Dunham, writer, International Bible Society, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

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