Why We Love the Church: In Praise of Institutions and Organized Religion
Kevin DeYoung and Ted Kluck
Moody Publishers, 2009, 234 pp., $14.99, Moodypublishers.com

Authors Kevin and Ted witnessed it too many times—people throwing the church under the bus and abandoning it there, so they’ve decided to say something.

These guys love the church, and they aren’t ashamed to say why. The genius of this book is their unique perspectives. Kevin shares the theological; Ted provides the more practical viewpoint of someone in the congregation. Together they share what the church is, God’s intention for it and why it’s important to get connected to one.

Be prepared to have your boundaries pushed. Kevin and Ted don’t hold back. And why not? If the Church is a ship that’s going down, these two are going to be on it doing the best they can to rally the people and get that ship afloat.

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