When Love’s in View: Finding Focus in Dating and Relationships
Dr. Conway & Jada Edwards
A joint imprint of Institute for Black Family Development and Moody Publishers,
2008, 147 pp., $12.99, www.moodypublishers.com

Designed for Christian singles who desire marriage, the authors wrote this book with the hope “that men and women will be encouraged to be content in their singleness and open to consider a God-inspired view on dating, love and relationships.”

Told with bold and tender honesty, this text presents the personal stories of two people, their lives as singles, their journey to marriage and the spiritual insight they gained along the way. While this text can be read individually, it may be best used within a small group so different perspectives can be “in conversation” with the authors. The questions ending the text also are sure to lead to thought-provoking and exciting discussions.

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