When I…:500 Sentence-Finishers to Get Your Students Talking
Brian Schulenburg
Zondervan/Youth Specialties, 2009, 144 pp., $10.99, www.youthspecialties.com

Are there not enough books on the market to get your kids talking? Nope. So here’s one more.

Bryan Schulenburg serves up 500 open-ended questions in When I … These books are great to use on long trips, retreats or—my favorite—just throw them out and let your kids read all of them out loud in one sitting.

If you are new to these types of discussion books, it’s time to join the club. Pick this up today. If you aren’t new to the game, this book will make a fine addition to the others on your shelf; and you finally may be able to retire your ripped and stained Would You Rather…nah.

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