Walt Mueller is the founder and President of the Center for Parent/Youth Understanding and has been working with young people and families for more than 30 years. As a result of his work with CPYU, Walt has become an internationally-recognized speaker and author on contemporary youth ministry and culture. He has written extensively on youth culture and family issues and is the author of the following books: Opie Doesn’t Live Here Anymore: Where Faith, Family, and Culture Collide (Standard Publishing, August 2007); Youth Culture 101 (Zondervan, June 2007); I Want to Talk With my Teen About Movies, Music & More (Standard Publishing, September 2006); Engaging The Soul of Youth Culture: Bridging Teen Worldviews To Christian Truth (InterVarsity Press, February 2006); and the critically acclaimed Gold Medallion Award winner, Understanding Today’s Youth Culture (Tyndale House, 1994). He is also a regular contributor to numerous journals and magazines. A graduate of Geneva College (B.A.) and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (M.Div.), Walt has recently completed his doctorate at Gordon-Conwell in “Ministry to Postmodern Generations.” Walt has served in ministry with the Coalition for Christian Outreach and as a youth pastor in churches in Johnstown, PA and Philadelphia. Walt is grateful to his wife Lisa for the role she’s played in the development and success of CPYU. Not only has she encouraged and supported Walt in ministry, but she has served behind the scenes since day one as CPYU’s secretary. A graduate of Geneva College, and who has a background in radio, Lisa’s voice can be heard on CPYU’s daily Youth Culture Today radio spot. Walt and Lisa live in Elizabethtown and have four children.
Designed to focus on the unique pressures and influences young people face in a postmodern world, CPYU seminars help anyone who loves and works with children and teens to better understand these pressures and challenges from a distinctively Christian perspective.  Hope and encouragement are offered to participants by challenging and equipping them to respond with solid and practical tools.
Click here for a list of CPYU’s current seminars.
If you have more questions about a seminar or conference, please email us at seminars@cpyu.org or call us toll-free at 800-807-CPYU.





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