“If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Rom. 8:31).

Some years ago, our youth group was on a mission in Dallas, Texas. It was a hot summer. (What summer isn’t in Dallas?) One afternoon, after working all day in a homeless shelter, we noted a small sign above the back door that someone had posted on cardboard. It read: “I’m not what I want to be. I’m not what I should be. I’m not what I’m going to be. Thank God Almighty, I’m not what I was.”

Leaving that day, I felt encouraged, lightened. Those few words on that cardboard placard had lifted my spirits and given me a spring in my step. Just words, but they packed a wallop.

Since then, I’ve always tried to be aware of how my words have an impact on others. There are words that tear people down and words that lift people up. There are words that harm and words that heal. There are words that threaten and words that instruct. There are words that hate and words that love.

Jesus once said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive”…and when it comes to our own words, we might consider this instruction. What are the words you need to hear? What words would lift you, encourage you, challenge you, inspire you? Where can you find these words today?

Then, what words do you need to say to someone else? What words do you need to write? What are the words you could speak that might change the trajectory of someone’s day?

When it comes to youth ministry, our words matter. Your words as a leader have an enormous impact on the lives of your teenagers. They are listening for the thoughts behind the words. They are listening for your heart, your faith. Your words matter. Don’t neglect to speak upwords when you have the opportunity. They may be life to someone else.

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