Harry Schaumburg
Moody Publishers, 2009, 208 pp., $14.99, NewGrowthPress.com

If you’re looking for another book of techniques for combating sexual sin, look elsewhere. In Undefiled, Schaumburg lays out a biblical view of spirituality and sexuality, our sin (which corrupts both) and the only solution: sexual redemption via the triune God. For youth workers and the adolescents to whom they minister, these understandings are essential protection from the damage that sexual sin wreaks on souls and ministries.

Schaumburg begins by describing key indicators of sexual sin among Christians, some of which you wouldn’t expect. He then addresses a common misconception, even among Christians: that sexual sin is a disease that can be healed by human ability instead of sin that can only be redeemed by Christ. In the second half of the book, Schaumburg discusses this sexual redemption, including how it plays out in males and females. The appendices alone are worth the price of the book.

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