For this game, you will need duct tape and an assortment of Hula Hoops® and Frisbees®, preferably in two different colors.

Create a “Tic-Tac-Toe” grid with duct tape in the parking lot or other large outdoor surface. Make sure the grid is large enough that a Hula Hoop® can fit in each square. Create a tossing line on either end of the tic-tac-toe area, about 10 feet away (or farther if you want to increase the challenge).

Give each participant or team a number of hula hoops and Frisbees®. The Hula Hoops will represent Xs, and the Frisbees are Os. Participants take turns tossing either a hoop or Frisbee into the grid, and the game is played like tic-tac-toe with the winner being the one who can form a row of three.

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