Those Preaching Women: A Multicultural Collection
Ella Pearson Mitchell and Valerie Bridgeman Davis
Judson Press, 2008, 168 pp., $16.00,

Those Preaching Women, the fifth book in a series, was compiled and edited by Rev. Ella Pearson Mitchell, “the Dean of Black Women Preachers.” The first in the series to be multicultural in scope, it includes the contributions of women from many denominations.

Many themes are covered, including the treatment of outcasts and other “less-favored people” in families, communities and churches; how God works in many lives—biblical and contemporary; how racism, sexism and classism affect each other; rape and incest; and the role of prophets and prophecy. A major theme in this collection is human suffering—how to deal with one’s own suffering, the suffering of others and where God is as this occurs.

This book is definitely worth reading, especially for those wanting more insight into the impact of Christianity on people from many cultures. These trends affect all young people, as well as youth workers who minister to them.

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