This Is Your Brain in Love: New Scientific Breakthroughs for a More Passionate and Emotionally Healthy Marriage
Dr. Earl Henslin
Thomas Nelson, 2009, 206 pp, $14.99

Love isn’t just a matter of the heart—it’s also a matter of the brain. Author and psychologist Dr. Earl Henslin believes the key to a healthy marriage lies in understanding the “Jell-O-like mass of tissue between your ears.” Henslin divides lovers into five types according to brain function: the scattered lover, over-focused lover, blue mood lover, agitated lover and anxious lover.

The book chronicles each love type, giving insight and tools to help facilitate a more passionate and emotionally healthy marriage by becoming a “Master Level Lover.” Henslin also includes relatable stories, spiritual insight and solutions to challenges presented by each love type.

Grounded in science and psychology, the book does not provide a quick fix to broken marriages. Instead, the book reveals marriage for what it is: a continual growing process that needs to be nurtured.

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