Multnomah Publishers, 2006, 192 pp.,

Rick McKinley, lead pastor of Imago Dei Community in Portland, challenges readers of This Beautiful Mess to “understand in a new way what it means to be human, to be forgiven, to live as disciples, to become people of the revolution.” Using scripture and personal narrative, McKinley exposes the hearts and minds of readers to the presence of
God’s Kingdom and the opportunities to participate in it now.

Beginning with a story of visiting the dump with his dad, McKinley is clear about life’s messiness while also offering hope and a guide for redemptive living. Geared toward college students and beyond, this is a resource designed for your personal faith journey and as a model of ministry that transforms lives and communities. If you have resonated
with authors/speakers such as Donald Miller (another Imago Dei member) and Rob Bell, you will have trouble putting this book down and walking away unchanged.


Joe Cilek, program manager, Fuller Theological Seminary in Colorado.

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