Think: The Life of the Mind and the Love of God
John Piper
Crossway, 2010, 224 pp., $19.99,

How can we best help youth know and experience the glory of God? Piper, in his latest book, posits that the answer has nothing to do with entertainment or hype, but instead with giving youth clear views of the truth that sets free. How do we do this? Essentially, we must seek understanding (by thinking), and we must acknowledge that finding understanding is a gift of God.

There are plenty of chapters here that will be useful food for thought for youth workers. How do we truly love the Lord our God with all our minds? What are the pitfalls of relativism, and how can we engage with this popular mindset? How does the mind participate in our coming to faith? What about difficult biblical texts that seem to warn against thinking too much? Is it possible to pursue the truth passionately without becoming puffed up with pride?

Youth workers may be surprised to find a book on such an abstract topic that proves to be down-to-earth and practical. Though this isn’t casual, armchair reading, Piper’s style in Think is accessible rather than academic, including strategies for thinking that may prove fruitful for years to come.

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