The Youth Ministry Survival Guide: How to Thrive and Last for the Long Haul
Len Kageler
Zondervan, 2008, 199 pp., $14.99,

After a new and larger survey, Len Kageler has updated his 1991 Survival Guide with new and fresh ideas, suggestions, guidance, facts, stats and perspectives.

The chapter titles are captivating and compel readers to discover what lies beyond the opening pages, which turns out to be fresh insight into the world of youth ministry. This world often teems with frustration and unfulfilled hopes and dreams but also holds victories and hope. Len Kageler offers a greater sense of hope and purpose and will help renew your vision by offering stories to learn from, statistics to support you and permission to grow and reach further.

Pay special attention to the chapters “Early Hazards,” “Recipes for Burnout,” “Youth Ministry, Being Married, and Having a Life,” and “The Renewed Youth Worker.” The writing is well done, knowledgeable and inspiring. Kageler has delivered a quality update that will speak to young youth workers, as well as veterans.

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