We are constantly changing, twisting and maneuvering. We adjust our plans, shift our methods and rework our strategies. We are mobile; we are versatile. We operate in schools, parks, campgrounds, jail cells and hospitals. We encounter tears, laughter, pain, violence, drugs, hopelessness and desperation.

We are the ministers of today’s youth.

We are friends, mentors, leaders, planners, accountants, colleagues, janitors, campers, preachers and video-game players. We are ears for those who need to talk; we are mouths for those who can’t; we are hands for those who are hurting; and we are feet for those who are stuck.

We are possibly the only representatives of Jesus a student may ever have.

We recruit, train, equip and mobilize. We multiply. We are aware of the past, live in the present and hope for the future. We are never content; we will not back down; we will not give up.

We. Will. Not. Stop.

It has been said, “We’ve done so much, with so little, for so many, for so long, that we can do almost anything with nothing.” We will go out in faith and minister to the youth of our cities, states, countries and world. We will have deep conversations over ice-cream; we will bring the latest band to the skate park; and we will give them free pizza. We will do whatever it takes, leaving our comfort zones, to reach into the darkness.

We will bring youth to the feet of Jesus.

The great part about it? That it is not just “we” who are doing it! We pray, but He is the One who answers. We step out in faith, but He is the One who makes the path. We build relationships, but He is the One who changes lives. It is not so much “us,” but Him!

It is the Lord; the ministry is His!

Thank you for praying; He will listen.

Thank you for your faith; He will move the mountains.

Thank you for giving; He will always provide.

Thank you, Youth Minister, for following His call.

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