Star Wars could be used by Christian speakers to non-Christians in a church setting. The Star Wars message is of use for ministers in relevantly presenting the gospel message anywhere and in any medium. In a world that does not know, Star Wars offers a paradigm of the Christian gospel. 

A Literal Christian Thought About Star Wars

Star Wars is about redeeming the fallen into goodness again, and freedom from oppression and evil into liberty. A slave set free is the intention of Christianity. These are the subtleties in the film series. Its wider values are humanistic. People have the potential to save and set free or the power to control with evil. The secret to salvation is in following the values of non-aggression, calm and peace. Spirituality is a path to that. The secret to controlling with evil is fear, anger and aggression. Spirituality is a path to that. These are humanly ascertained.

The difference for a Christian is Jesus Christ, Son of Man, who is our liberty by saving, setting free and giving us the resources to live as people who live at a higher spiritual level, which can affect our whole being, because of Jesus Christ’s life who alone has God’s power to save. The values of a human-centered spirituality, such as those in Star Wars, don’t offer any power to save.

This is the sobering reality for Christians involved in Star Wars. We can point to the biblical paradigm (universal), which is mentioned above, but without pointing to the powerful God who saves (spiritual reality). These themes, however, could introduce people to the matters in the Bible and to Christianity without getting to the heart of the faith immediately. The films could stir interest in what Christianity is about, and that is of value today in a world that does not know God, but is more familiar with Star Wars.

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