The Steward Leader: Transforming People, Organizations and Communities
R. Scott Rodin
InterVarsity Press, 2010, 190 pp., $22.00,

Just when I thought someone could not bring something new to the leadership table, R. Scott Rodin writes The Steward Leader. It’s not so much the topic that is new, but it is Rodin’s passion that encourages us to lead out of a right heart.

If today’s books on leadership lack the theological weight you’ve been looking for, The Steward Leader makes up for that. The first chapters lay out the biblical foundations for stewardship. The rest of the book unpacks what Rodin calls the four transformations: being stewards of our relationship with God, ourselves, our neighbors and God’s creation.

This is not a quick read with quick answers. You should read this book slowly, with a pen and a notebook, journaling your way through it. If leadership is an art, Scott Rodin has painted a very detailed portrait of what a steward leader should look like.

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