The Reason for Sports: A Christian Fanifesto
Ted Kluck
Moody, 2009, 151 pages, $13.99

Kluck’s brutally honest take on the world of sports will have you laughing before you turn the first page; but he argues that valuable life lessons can be learned despite and even through the negative aspects of this world. The accomplished athlete, sports journalist, missionary and father of two demonstrates that fake apologies and steroid use can teach kids the importance of confronting sin and finding their identity in something other than winning.

Readers are not bombarded with clichés about sports promoting loyalty and work ethic, but instead will receive a new point of view as Kluck, who has written for YouthWorker Journal and, suggests kids can benefit from hearing Tiger Woods cuss out a photographer or Ali proclaim himself to be the greatest.
Kluck’s work is a great tool for coaches, leaders and parents of young sports enthusiasts who want their kids to grow while participating in the crazy world of sports.



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