“Very truly I tell you, servants are not greater than their master” (John 13:16).

Some years ago, I recall a devotion offered at a youth retreat. It was a great talk—both visually and challenging. The youth leader invited us to wear either a bib or an apron, then proceeded to explain what our selection meant about our faith and our willingness to follow Jesus. Consider the following:

The Bib
Many people come to church expecting to wear a bib. They want to be served. They want others to feed them, help them, nurture them; and they grow very comfortable wearing a bib. The bib is always there, and your rarely see Bib People jumping in to help with a project, volunteering to serve in a soup kitchen, or sticking around after an event to help clean up. Bib People rarely give time, talent or money to anything other than themselves; and they prefer to sit in a chair and be served by others. Bib People, however, are often difficult to spot, as they prefer to sit in a corner by themselves and wait for someone to serve them. Bib People expect a lot from the church, but they don’t want to be the church. Bib People prefer to remain as they are. They don’t like the thought of growing.

The Apron
Other people come to church expecting to wear aprons. They want to serve. They want to help others, and they are only comfortable wearing an apron because they know they are going to get dirty. Ministry does, after all, compel them to get their hands dirty; and they know they can feel grimy when they begin helping people whose lives are messy or imperfect. Apron People don’t expect to sit in the corner and bet fed; they expect to do the feeding. Apron People don’t expect to be served; they expect to serve. Apron People are easy to spot: They are the people who are out front, leading, helping, persevering. Apron People don’t want to remain as they are; they want to get dirty so they can wash their aprons. Apron People like the idea of growing deeper and deeper into a more Christ-like life.

Bib People or Apron People: Which are we?

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