The Life of Jesus: Uncommon High School Edition
Jim Burns
Gospel Light, 2009, 204 pp., $12.99,

Uncommon Stories and Illustrations
Jim Burns
Gospel Light, 2009, 192 pp., $29.99,

Uncommon Stories and Illustrations is a collection of sermon illustrations for youth talks, workshops and newsletters. Included is a great Scripture and topic index. It’s a straightforward and excellent resource that comes with a duplicate CD-ROM. Though the package is laid out well, nothing seems risky, scary, or well…uncommon. Still, it’s a great resource for large groups.

The Life of Jesus takes the opposite approach. Each student gets his or her own book. There are three units of four sessions each. It is another well-designed product that can be applied to multiple settings such as Sunday School or a mid-week program. It also could work for small-group meetings or one-on-one sessions with teens. I wish there was more “life application” work in the sessions. Life of Jesus is a good package for volunteer Sunday School teachers who depend on the book and don’t yet have the confidence to get a little crazy.

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