The Hopeful Skeptic: Revisiting Christianity from the Outside
Nick Fiedler
InterVarsity Press, 2009, 180 pp., $16.00

Nick Fiedler is well aware of the difficulties of being a Christian in today’s society. He’s also aware of how he possibly is alienating many Christians and non-Christians in his book, which details the revelations he had while traveling and learning about his faith.

His wit and accessible writing style make it easy for a skeptical reader to follow through to the end. As a young man himself, Fiedler is very good at connecting with the reader through metaphors, personal anecdotes and engaging language.

This book facilitates a wide understanding of different facets of Christian belief; it encourages critical examination of the reader’s beliefs, as well. It works well as a jumping point for anyone who might be looking to widen his or her perspective on faith, humanity and life in general.

Fiedler has worked with many churches and youth organizations and is the co-creator of The Nick and Josh Podcast.

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