The Gospel Remix: Reaching the Hip-Hop Generation
Ralph C. Watkins with Jason A. Barr Jr., Jamal-Harrison Bryant, William H. Curtis, Otis Moss III
Judson Press, 2007, 144 pp., $15.00,

“How do we love our brothers and sisters who are not among us or with us? How do we reach up and out with love and not condemnation?” asks seminary professor and DJ, Ralph C. Watkins, as he challenges the church of the “Afristocracy” to engage the hip-hop culture with the Gospel.

Admitting his own initial repulsions to some of the music and behaviors of hip hop, Watkins outlines a movement toward hip hop, which is incarnational, sacrificial and authentic. He offers an insightful introduction to the culture and raises many questions to guide churches and pastors through contextualizing ministry to and with hip hop. The contributing authors offer examples from their churches, which have effectively reached the hip-hop generation in unique ways. This is a valuable and timely resource.

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