Saint Mary’s Press; 2006; 136 pp.; $14.95,

Jerry Goebel spends his life with high-risk kids; visiting them in “juvey” (juvenile hall), attending court, tilling gardens, connecting them with mentors, and—above all—listening. Your kids may not be doing time in a detention center, but the message of this book is important for all youth workers. The Deepest Longing of Young People is not about changing kids but about becoming an empowering mentor.

Goebel threads two themes throughout the book. He recounts his own experiences with kids as they are liberated from their culture, take on a new identity and learn about values, goals, life choices, and the transforming power of connection. And he challenges us to make our own lives and ministries as youth workers a blessing to kids through consistent, transparent, unconditional relationship. He goes beyond the traditional, relational style of youth ministry to a new role of youth ministry: advocate, connecting kids to community and communities to kids.

If you are willing to consider something deeper, more life giving—beyond new curriculum and programming—The Deepest Longing of Young People is well worth your time.

Review by Sonia Urban



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