Here’s a fun activity you can do with just a box fan, lots of plastic, some duct tape, and bunch of teens! The video was created by Don Nagy, youth pastor at North Rome Wesleyan Church, in Ulster, Pennsylvania. Don shares how the video came about:

“I was visiting a youth pastor friend of mine, and his youth room was covered in wall to wall plastic on the floor. I figured he was going to play some messy game with food. He said ‘Watch this’ and turned on the little box fan, and this huge plastic bubble started to inflate before my eyes!

“I knew I had tons of plastic and duct tape back home, so I duplicated the event. Making the bubble is really simple: We just rolled out three sheets of plastic, had them overlap a little, and duct taped them together on both sides of the overlap. We repeated that process and then taped the two newly made big pieces together. Leave a corner at each end open — one for the fan, one for the door. It doesn’t need to be even close to perfect — there are holes all over the place in mine. I did the devotional time in the bubble, but my friend played all sorts of bubble related games in his bubble. (His bubble was significantly bigger than my bubble.)”

The Bubble Devotion-North Rome Youth [HQ]

“From time to time, I will video something or take a photo that will help the teens recall the lesson,” Don says. “I’ll post it to their Facebook pages the next day. So I did the video devotion before youth group and the actual devotion with the teens in the bubble. Posting videos and photos the next day helps bring home the lesson, generate discussions, and keep the memories fresh. It also gives parents and church members the chance to see what we’re doing and learning. I don’t really do anything fancy, just take some photos or videos with a cheap digital camera. Better yet, have a teen do it!”

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