“Dad, why did that giraffe just come out of the other giraffe’s butt?”

This question, asked by his son, forced “God’s Comic” Brad Stine, to rethink how and when the Christian community can breach this sensitive topic with their children. Stine discusses the issue in his column on the new lighthearted Christian news and humor Web site New Christian Voices.

According to Stine, one must ask, “Is the hearer mature enough to receive the information you are about to espouse?” and reminds us, “We live in an Information Age of unprecedented proportions.”

Based on this, Stine concludes, “We need a comprehensive course taught in churches with parents involved. If we need an easy starting point, just get a clip of a giraffe giving birth. Trust me: That will get you scrambling for clarity!”

Find Stine’s article in its entirety here.

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