Over the past few years, Islam has received unprecedented scrutiny, yet many of us find ourselves unsure of the history and tenets of the world’s second largest religion.

In an effort to provide a foundation for understanding where Muslims are coming from, how they interpret Scripture, and how their worldview may differ from that of Christians, we’re providing an overview of “The Bible and Islam.”

What is the Islamic view of the Trinity, sin, Jesus, salvation? What is their view of violence and civil government? This article, which happens also to appear in the newly released ESV Study Bible, addresses those questions and more.

If you find yourself wanting to know more, pick up a copy of The Crescent Through the Eyes of the Cross. This book encourages a redemptive response to Islam. In this book, Dr. NabeelJabbour aims to help Western Christians go beyond mere tolerance to a passion for Muslims. He explains how that can be done in ways that are sensitive to Islamic culture, and he presents suggestions on how to build vital relationships with Muslims.

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