Revell, 2006, 224 pages, US $12.99,

Jarrod Jones is an accomplished and passionate youth evangelist. He speaks to over 40,000 teens each year at churches, conferences, and music festivals, such as ShoutFest with Michael Tait, Newsong, and Rachel Lampa. His book, The Backward Life, is a call to follow Christ’s “Great Commandment” to love God and love your neighbor.

But instead of challenging Christians to live differently, the book becomes an extended evangelism tract, a basic apologetic for Christianity, and a “Christianity 101” discipleship resource. Essentially, The Backward Life is a user’s manual for seekers and new Christians.

Although he calls us to a backward life, Jones doesn’t offer enough advice about loving your enemies — one of the most “backward” of biblical commands. My
relationship with Christ must draw me into relationship with those who are not like me. Jesus was in real relationship with “the enemies.” He didn’t just pray for them or perform anonymous acts of kindness. He loved them deeply and personally. That is the backward life. For a deeper look at one Christian brother living a truly backward life, get a copy of The Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne.


Review by:  MATTHEW MONBERG is a freelance writer in Denver, Colorado.

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