SUPPLIES: Poster board or butcher paper; markers.

NOTE: You can adapt this game for use as a closing activity by having players create a banner that depicts their group “bests.”

THE GAME: Direct participants to make a group banner that highlights members’ characteristics: hobbies, hometowns, summer plans, likes, dislikes, etc. Ecnourage them to draw images, too. Other ideas to list or draw include: favorite gifts, meal, surprise, vacation or family story. Suggest banner topics based on information you’d like gorup members to learn about one another. Post the completed banner where everyone can see it.

VARIATION: Divide the group into smaller teams of four. ASk each group to create a banner on poster board, highlighting with words and images information about the following topics:

> Names
> Something all four players have in common
> A group name that collectively describes them (or their view of life)
> Something unique about each individual

Have each group share their banner and tell what they learned about each other. This activity helps groups recognize the positive attibutes of their wider community.

 What did you learn about one another’s backgrounds, cultures and differences?
> What new commonalities did you discover about your teammates?
> How did this activity help you begin to build support for each other and boost your own self-image?

ASSET CATEGORIES: Support, Social Competencies, Positive Identity

Source: Great Group Games: 175 Boredom-Busting, Zero-Prep Team Builders for All Ages

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