Frustration and False Gods: Living in a Fallen World
Conversations with Donald Miller and Dan Allender and Tremper Longman

Spiritual Practices: How to Meet God in the Everyday
Conversations with Donald Miller and Lauren Winner

Breaking the Ice: Learning to Share Our Stories
Conversations with Donald Miller and Phyllis Tickle

Creative Trust Media, 3 DVDs with discussion guides, 2009, $14.99 each,

These “conversations” are so thought provoking and intelligent that you may not even need the discussion guides that accompany each disc to assist your small group in beginning its own weighty dialogue.

In all nine episodes (three on each disc), Donald Miller demonstrates exactly why they asked him to facilitate these discussions as he skillfully and honestly probes these profound subjects with some expert interviewees.

If your small group is looking for a curriculum that delves deeply into some heavy theology and spiritual disciplines without getting preachy, this could be perfect for you. However, if you are getting a group of nominal believers, recent converts or unchurched neighborhood friends together and you choose to use these DVDs as your conversation starters, you should be aware that these episodes tend to be very heady and contain plenty of higher level Christian thought.

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