1. Tim Tebow is known for writing Scripture verses in the eye black many football players draw under their eyes. Eye black has long been used by football players and soldiers to reduce glare. Tebow has been writing scripture references since his college days. Below are some of the Scripture references Tebow has used. Look up these references in your Bible and discuss why you think the quarterback selected them.

Ephesians 2:8-10
John 16:33
Philippians 4:13
Mark 8:36
James 1:2-4
Proverbs 27:17

2. In 2010, the NCAA introduced what was dubbed the Tebow Rule, which banned personal messages written in a players eye black. (The NFL already had a similar rule). The label was created by the media, and the NCAA denied the rule was directed at any particular school or player. Has anyone ever tried to silence you? Talk about that time. Should we allow players to write personal messages? Should we allow players to sell the eye black as advertising space? If a Muslim player wrote passages references from the Quran in his eye black, what do you think would happen?

3. Tebow has two books on the market. The titles are Through My Eyes and Everything in Between. How are these sayings Christian/spiritual? What biblical ideas would you use to link these two titles?

4. Through My Eyes is dedicated to “All those who have been told they could not achieve their dreams.”
* Have you ever been told this? By whom? When? Did you listen? Why or why not?
* What are some of your dreams for your future?
* Is there any such thing as a realistic dream?
* If you can achieve your dream by being the person you are now, is your dream too small?
* What would you say to a friend who has had his or her dreams crushed?

5. Do you get tired of musicians/actors/performers thanking God when they receive an award? Do you think God cares who wins Video of the Year? How many athletes have you seen acknowledge God after a game? Would God favor one team over another?

6. Tim Tebow’s foundation, CURE, supports a variety of charities that help children with debilitating and life-threatening diseases. The foundation’s mission is to “bring faith, hope and love to those in need of a brighter day in their darkest hour of need.” Should religion play a part in charity?

7. In 2011, Tim Tebow appeared in a television commercial sponsored by Focus on the Family. While the ad did not specifically mention abortion, the ad became a loud discussion point between progressive and conservative groups. Should athletes stay out of politics? Would you allow an athlete or celebrity to influence your opinion? How do you form your own opinions on controversial topics?

8. Recently, an Internet phenomenon began called Tebowing in which people photographed themselves copying Tebow’s trademark one-knee prayer stance. Do you think posture matters when you pray? Some people hold their hands out in supplication when the pray. Others form what has been called God’s antenna by hold their hands above their heads. When Jesus talked about going into a prayer closet, He was referring to a stance Jewish men used to pray by covering their heads. How do you pray? Should it matter? Is there a position that allows you to feel more connected to God? Why do you think some people put such a heavy importance on how you sit or stand?

9. Recently Detroit Lions player Stephen Tulloch Tebowed after sacking Tebow. He was widely criticized by several Christian groups, claiming he was mocking Christ and/or Tebow’s open Christianity. Do you have any signature moves? Should a Christian have one? It’s not uncommon to see a boxer cross himself before a bout. Is it mocking Christ if a boxer crosses himself after knocking out an opponent? Does it bother you when people make fun of Christians? Explain.

10. Give some serious thought to this one before you answer. What if Tim Tebow were Muslim?

11. How do you express your faith in Christ? Do you wear a cross publicly? Would you get a cross tattoo?

12. What is the difference between Jesus saying, “Go into the world and preach My gospel,” and Jesus saying, “Do not pray as the hypocrites do”?

13. In a locker room speech to his teammates, Tebow recently quoted from Proverbs, “Iron sharpens iron.” What do you think this means? How does it apply to a football game? Take the saying out of an athletic event: How does it apply to your life? When have you lived it recently?

14. In his book Through My Eyes, Tebow said it is “hard to be at the center of so much spilled ink,” referring to all the things that have been written about him—”some true and some not so true.” How do you react when someone lies about you? What if those lies were repeated so often they became accepted as true?

15. Do Christians have a responsibility to live clean? Who gets to decide what clean is? What would happen if Tebow were photographed with a beer in his hand? Entering a strip club? Seeing an R-rated movie?

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