Soul-Shaping Small Groups: A Refreshing Approach for Exasperated Leaders
Kim V. Engelmann
InterVarsity Press, 2010, 168 pp., $15.00

Soul-Shaping Small Groups answers the question: “How do we cultivate small groups that see with the contact lenses of faith?” Too often I have seen small groups become a social gathering with no authenticity or community. As humans, it is so easy to put up blinders and masks that cause us to not be real with those around us. Kim Engelmann shares a new kind of small group involving trust, humility and authenticity.

Engelmann breaks Soul-Shaping Small Groups into two key parts. The first emphasizes the importance of experiencing God in and through small groups. The second section gives small-group leaders a hands-on example of how to carry out an Emmaus Road small group. This can be an excellent tool in helping churches create authentic small groups.

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