The game leader places a number of substances, each with a distinct odor, in paper cups; he places the cups on a table. The players are divided into two teams, and both teams leave the room. Members of each team are called back individually; they are each blindfolded and led to the table where the cups are set up. The game leader holds each cup close to the player’s nose. Each player, in turn, tries to identify the various smells. Score is kept of how many smells are named correctly. When all of the players have had a chance to guess the smells, the team with the greatest number of correct identifications is declared the winner.

Variations: In Gourmet Contest, the leader prepares small quantities of different foods, drinks and seasonings. After being fed a tiny sample, the blindfolded players must guess what each one is. A few unusual entries- such as caviar or pomegranate seeds- make the game more interesting. Sound Effects requires the blindfolded players to identify a number of objects by the sound they make. Some of the sounds can be produced by dropping things, such as a shoe, a basketball, or a piece of silverware. Other sounds might range from someone. brushing his teeth or his shoes to someone firing a popgun. 

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