Shared Parenting: Raising Your Children Cooperatively After Separation
Jill Burnette and Michael Green
Celestial Arts, 2009, 146 pp., $15.99,

Shared Parenting is, in a word, timely. Instead of parents screaming at each other like opponents at a town hall meeting, the authors share a parent peace treaty for separated parents.

Though not written from a faith perspective, this book tackles an assortment of pertinent issues from after-school care for the children, communication, dealing with our motives and how to design a plan that works for both parents. There are quick read Q & A boxes seasoned throughout the pages, which may address the unanswered question in the back of our minds.

Not only should separated or divorced parents read this book, but I suggest every youth worker read it for a glimpse into the complicated life of the divorced or separated family. It will make you a wiser, more compassionate and thankful youth worker.

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