Sex and Dating: Questions You Wish You Had Answers To
Mindy Meier
InterVarsity Press, November 2007,
218 pp., $13.00,

Every Friday in college brought “leftover lunch” in the cafeteria. Bits and pieces of the week’s meals all made an appearance—taco soup, tater tot casserole; you get the idea. Sex and Dating follows a similar approach, combining and condensing advice into a quick-reference question-and-answer manual. Written in soft and sisterly tones, and using her primary experience with college students—many of whom have already made poor decisions about sex and dating—Meier guides her readers through a familiar Christian FAQ on sex and dating. You’ll find the old standards: “How far can we go?”; and uncover some gems: “I’m addicted to male attention. How can I break free?”

Just like leftover lunch, there’s always a surprise lurking for the committed reader. As a husband and father, I found myself completely at ease with Sex and Dating, and trying to figure out the best time to put this book on my own daughter’s reading list.

Meier’s feminine tone may turn off some young men. What guy wants to talk to a woman the age of his mother about lust, pornography and masturbation?

Used with proper guidance, this is a great resource to introduce to middle school students before they are confronted with tough choices about their sexuality.

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