Sex and the iWorld: Rethinking Relationship Beyond an Age of Individualism
Dale S. Kuehne
Baker Academic, 2009, 234 pp., $19.99,

Pastor and politics professor Dale Kuehne is on a quest to change the conversation on sexuality following the sexual revolution. This challenging textbook succeeds in many ways.

With thoughtfulness and inclusive scope, Kuehne posits that during the past 100 years, we’ve been transitioning from the tWorld, where traditional morality reigned and family was at the hub, to the iWorld, centered on the immediate desires of the individual. He digs into the kind of society we are creating for ourselves—plagued by loneliness and insecurity—and the consequences of unfettered sexual freedom. Ultimately, he advocates the rWorld, a biblical relational paradigm for sexual and personal fulfillment, with a not-to-miss discussion of “Sex and the Soul.”

Though too intellectual for the casual reader, Sex and the iWorld is an excellent master’s course on modern sexuality and relationships.

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