“Remember me, O God, and do not wipe out my good deeds that I have done for the house of God and for His service” (Neh. 13:14).

The prophet Nehemiah continued to pray this prayer throughout the rebuilding of the ancient Jerusalem walls. The rebuilding of the second temple was a time of great consternation and uncertainty. It was a time of anxiety and stress. Through this time, the prophet wanted to make sure he was serving effectively in God’s work.

So do we.

I often have to remind myself that ministry is, indeed, a service. Christ calls His church to serve. He gave us the example of the servant; in our serving, we often become the hands and feet of Jesus.

Our prayers today might not be so desperate, but anyone who is engaged in youth ministry desires to be recognized and affirmed. We want to be remembered for our sacrifices and dedication to God’s work.

If you are feeling neglected or forgotten, there is much you can do about that. First, sit down and make a list of your various services—ways you have served God and the church. This list likely will astound you, but it also will be an affirming visual reminder of your importance.

Second, make a list of the goals you would set for yourself and your ministry in the coming months. Be specific. Be energized in your labors for God, and don’t forget who your Boss is. Stay focused on doing your best work for God.

Finally, make it a daily habit to give thanks for the opportunities God has offered—opportunities to serve those who are hurting, afraid or in need. You know who these people are and how your circle of influence can impact them. Be your best advocate, and don’t forget that gratitude is often the best attitude when it comes to service. Serve well.

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