Seeking God Together: An Introduction to Group Spiritual Direction
Alice Fryling
InterVarsity Press, January 2009, 146 pp., $12.00,

At today’s frantic pace, we rarely take time to tend to our souls. It’s even harder to ask others to help us with the task. Fryling speaks words of life in this book and gives instruction on how to listen to God.

What if we got to the end of our lives without stopping to rest, ask questions, lead others or be led by them? This is a scary but realistic prospect. Seeking God Together is aimed at moving from the theoretical to the actual. Fryling gives practical ways to help others in their journey of hearing God’s whisper through asking questions, reading the Bible creatively and allowing for silence. This is a must-read for anyone wanting to wrap his or her mind and heart around listening prayer and the practice of seeking spiritual direction. Read this, and read it slowly, allowing God to shape you in the process.

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