Seductive Delusions: Exposing the Lies About Sex
Gerald Henry
Moody Publishers, 2010, 152 pp.,$12.99

Seductive Delusions was an easy read and a must for young teenagers—boys and girls. Trying to find the right type of book for teenagers to read about sex can be frustrating for parents and youth workers. Gerald Henry, creator and former host of Black Entertainment Television Inc. (BET) is the author. Seductive Delusions is a book for all teenagers and parents to come together to discuss.

Henry talks about his sexual experience briefly as a young man who came to learn the negative effects sex had on his behavior and attitude toward the young woman he courted. Henry makes himself vulnerable by opening up about his feelings as a young man on the topic of sex and the pressures associated with abstinence.

In Seductive Delusions, Henry gets to the nuts and bolts of sex as he discusses the difference between love, lust and the importance of God. Henry stresses the importance of abstinence before marriage and the powerful expression of love and respect it has during the courting relationship. He discusses the misconceptions of safe sex and the use of contraception.

Seductive Delusions is a book not limited to young men, but is a must-read for young women, as well. It becomes apparent how much respect he has for women, and that respect he exhibits throughout the book is what young women should seek from all young men.

The book offers a candid look at sex and the negative affects it has on young men and women. The misconceptions and norms being placed on premarital sex today is tossed out the window in Seductive Delusions.

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