Scripture by Heart: Devotional Practices for Memorizing God’s Word
Joshua Choonmin Kang
InterVarsity Press, 2010, 166 pp., $15.00

I struggled with this book, but not because it was poorly written. Kang skillfully weaves Scripture with pithy quotes into a series of 30 short devotionals. I struggled with this book simply because it surfaced my failure to take seriously the memorization of God’s Word. I didn’t feel beat up about my failure, just intensely challenged and reminded of the need to memorize the Bible.

Beyond the challenge, Kang interspersed practice sections among the devotionals that provide practical ideas to get the reader started. Because it originally was written in Korean and translated into English, the book doesn’t focus on youth culture. Although adolescents could handle it, Scripture by Heart is probably a better choice for your leadership team if you want to challenge them to take God’s Word seriously enough to memorize it … just like you.


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