Scary, Gross, and Weird Stories from the Bible
Joy-Elizabeth Lawrence, Jim Miller, Siv Ricketts, Summer Salomonsen and Christian Schofield
Group, 2008, 132 pp., $19.99,

If you are looking for a hands-on guide for youth to understand the weirdest stories in the Bible, this is the one. Crafted specifically for middle-school students in large- and small-group gatherings, this resource will help you prepare every aspect of teaching these stories including accompanying games, film clips, songs, questions, applications and hands-on-activities. Creative lessons are laid out for leaders to comprehend and pass on to their students.

Teaching middle-school students must be interactive and multi-sensory, and these writers certainly get it. Watch these stories of Balaam’s Donkey, plagues in Egypt and descriptions of end times come alive for your students. After all, we don’t just want to read Scripture; we want to feel these stories as the ancients did.

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