Reasons to Believe: One Man’s Journey Among the Evangelicals and the Faith He Left Behind
John Marks
Harper Collins, 2008, 365 pp., $26.95,

Reasons to Believe chronicles author and former “60 Minutes” producer John Marks’ quest to use “every ounce of my intellect and emotion, plumbing the depths of what I once believed, traveling the country and the world with my skills as a reporter” in pursuit of the question, “Will I be left behind?” His candid exploration uncovers a unique and detailed perspective on contemporary Christianity, offering access and insight into the worldview of a former believer.

Written for a broad audience, college age and above, Marks paints a picture of his Protestant roots that, at times, is sympathetic and, at others, is unflattering as he covers topics ranging from fundamentalism to rock music and Young Life to social issues. Though this is a complex resource, what you can gain makes the thought-provoking journey alongside Marks worth taking.

A companion documentary, Purple State of Mind (, captures Marks’ ongoing conversation about faith and doubt with his college roommate (and YWJ movie critic) Craig Detweiler.

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