A Place for All: Ministry for Youth with Special Needs
John E. Barone and the Monarch School
Saint Mary’s Press, 2008, 131 pp., $24.99

Finding Your Child’s Way on the Autism Spectrum: Discovering Unique Strengths, Mastering Behavior Challenges
Dr. Laura Hendrickson
Moody Publishers, 2009, 141 pp., $14.99

Kudos to John Barone and Laura Hendrickson for presenting these concerns, which usually go unnoticed, to people of faith. Taking information from the Monarch School, which focuses on kids with special needs, Barone’s text gives a brief overview of special-needs students and provides ideas about how best to teach those with special needs.

Hendrickson’s text stems from personal experiences with her autistic son. Between those who try to make their children “normal” and those who do not engage in behavior modification are the techniques in Hendrickson’s text. Her advice is most helpful for parents but could be useful for teachers, as well.

These two authors may disagree about how to teach children with special needs, but that makes them great counterparts. For Christian Education departments seeking to ensure that all children are welcomed and taught in a way that best helps them learn, these texts are great places to start.

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