Questions from the Pickle Jar
Ron DeBour
Faith Alive Christian Resources, 2008, 88 pp., $10.95,

Rarely will you find such a candid and authentic resource for teenage sexuality and relationships as DeBour’s Questions from the Pickle Jar. Addressing a whole gamut of topics and questions, this book offers solid advice to hormone-charged adolescents while avoiding the cheesy, outdated mishaps of other books on the subject. The author’s conversational and interactive writing style invites readers into the struggle of difficult issues such as sexual abuse, masturbation and pornography. It also serves as a great crash course for what to expect and avoid in teenage dating relationships.

Questions from the Pickle Jar is most appropriate for high-school students and could be a very useful tool for small-group discussion. As a word of caution, more traditional families and settings may not be as open to such honest advice.

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